CSV Geolocation Web Service
The CSV Geolocation web service API 1) allows you to directly program your back-end Comma-Separated Value (CSV) scripts to deliver dynamic geo-localized pages using the CSV elements provided by geoPlugin.
To access the XML geolocation API, add the following url to a remote include call
Of course, substitute the xx's with your visitor's IP number.
Example output of a CSV query output for your IP address ( is:
geoplugin_request, geoplugin_status,206 geoplugin_delay,1ms geoplugin_credit,Some of the returned data includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind available from https://www.maxmind.com. geoplugin_city, geoplugin_region, geoplugin_regionCode, geoplugin_regionName, geoplugin_areaCode, geoplugin_dmaCode, geoplugin_countryCode,US geoplugin_countryName,United States geoplugin_inEU,0 geoplugin_euVATrate, geoplugin_continentCode,NA geoplugin_continentName,North America geoplugin_latitude,37.751 geoplugin_longitude,-97.822 geoplugin_locationAccuracyRadius,1000 geoplugin_timezone,America/Chicago geoplugin_currencyCode,USD geoplugin_currencySymbol,$ geoplugin_currencySymbol_UTF8,$ geoplugin_currencyConverter,0
CSV Geolocation Currency Converter
The “geoplugin_currencyConverter” element is the conversion rate for the currency converter base currency.
Like all calls to any of geoPlugin's web services, the default base_currency is USD ($US).
Thus, if your base currency is NOT $US, then you must add the variable base_currency=XXX to the call to geoplugin.net eg
Now the geoplugin_currencyConverter element will output the exchange rate of one Euro for your visitor.
The base_currency value must be a valid ISO 4217 3-letter code.
See also
- In-depth User Guide