Do you need to use a coordinates finder to uncover your current location? We’ll share several tools you can use! Some of these methods are free, while others require payment.
You may want to find your current coordinates for several use cases, including hiking, surveying, and returning home from a remote location. The quality of the tools in this article makes finding your coordinates easy.
Keep reading for an overview of what type of coordinate finders you can use for geotargeting!

Table of Contents
How To Find Coordinates on Google Maps
Do you want to find how to find coordinates on Google Maps? To find coordinates, start by opening the app or website.
Then, manually enter a location in the search bar or navigate the map. Once you pinpoint the desired location, right-click (or long-press on mobile) on that spot. A context menu will appear where you can see the latitude and longitude coordinates at the top.
Alternatively, you can click on a location, and the geolocation coordinates will appear in a small pop-up at the bottom of the screen. Furthermore, if you need the coordinates in a specific format, you can copy them directly from this pop-up.
For added convenience, you can use the “What’s here?” option after right-clicking to see the coordinates.
You can use these coordinates for navigation, geographic analysis, or sharing locations with others. Overall, Google Maps makes it easy to access precise geographical information quickly and efficiently.

3 Different Methods To Find Coordinates
There are a range of methods that you can use to find coordinates in any geographic location worldwide. These methods are available free of charge, or you can pay for a premium service to get extra features. This includes getting sexagesimal coordinates on the equatorial plane.
1. GPS Devices
GPS devices are reliable tools for obtaining coordinates, which is particularly true in outdoor settings. These handheld devices use satellite signals to determine your exact location regarding latitude and longitude.
Simply turn on the GPS device and allow it to connect to satellites, which may take a few moments. Once connected, the device will display your geographic coordinates on the screen.
GPS units are especially useful for hiking, boating, or other outdoor activities where precise navigation is essential. Their portability and accuracy make them popular for adventurers and professionals.
2. Smartphone Apps
Smartphone geolocation apps provide an easy way to find coordinates using built-in GPS capabilities. Some of the more popular apps are Google Maps, Apple Maps, and dedicated GPS apps that allow users to access their current location.
Make sure to read the reviews of the app you plan on using to avoid bad options. This allows you to set realistic expectations when downloading an app that shows map coordinates.
Furthermore, some apps may integrate with other systems, such as marketing software. This is great if you want to execute geolocation marketing campaigns.
3. Online Coordinate Converters
Online coordinate converters help convert between different coordinate systems, such as decimal degrees and degrees-minutes-seconds. Websites and tools designed for this purpose often allow users to input coordinates in one format.
Then, they will receive the equivalent in another.
To use these tools, enter your coordinates and select the desired output format. This method benefits professionals working in fields like surveying, cartography, or geographic information systems (GIS).
Furthermore, many converters offer additional information, such as elevation and nearby landmarks.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a coordinates finder?
A coordinates finder is a tool or application that determines geographic coordinates, which include latitude and longitude. You can find these tools in various formats, such as mobile apps, GPS devices, and online mapping services.
Furthermore, they help users easily identify specific places or navigate to them. This makes them essential for travelers, researchers, and professionals, for example, in fields like surveying and urban planning.
What types of coordinates can the finder provide?
A coordinate finder can provide types such as decimal degrees and universal transverse mercator. Here is a more complete list:
Geohash: A compact representation of latitude and longitude that encodes geographic location into a short string.
Decimal degrees: This format expresses latitude and longitude as decimal numbers, which makes it straightforward for digital applications.
Degrees, minutes, seconds: This traditional format divides degrees into minutes and seconds to provide a more precise representation.
Universal Transverse Mercator: This system uses a grid-based approach, thereby dividing the world into zones for more accurate local mapping.
Can I find coordinates for any location?
Yes, most coordinates finders enable you to search for virtually any location. This includes a city, landmark, or specific address. Also, these tools use extensive databases to provide accurate coordinates for a wide range of places.
However, accuracy may vary in remote or less populated areas with limited data coverage. You’ll need to test the accuracy of the coordinator finder and compare it with absolute locations.
Are coordinates finders free to use?
Many coordinate finders are free for users. Especially those integrated into popular mapping applications like Google Maps. These services typically do not require payment and offer a wide range of features for location searching.
However, some advanced Geographic Information System (GIS) software may require a subscription or purchase to access more complex functionalities. Overall, users have access to various free tools for obtaining coordinates.

Coordinates Finder: Do They Work?
Yes, using a finder to get coordinates works, but you must select the right software or tool. The ideas in this article are a good starting point for your search for the best option. Make sure to test the tool once you get your hands on it to ensure it works as described.
Furthermore, you need to look for extra features with your coordinates finder. This ensures you can uncover the toolkit that matches your use case. With so much choice on the market, there’s something for everyone.
Are you looking for software that can turn an IP address into geolocation data? Then, give geoPlugin a try for a reputable and trustworthy tool. We offer high accuracy levels and an intuitive user interface.
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